“Every tipster’s full results are openly available for you to look over including every winner and loser”
A proud boast of Bettinggods. But here’s an interesting thing …
I track tipsters on Bettinggods. Tipsters come and tipsters go on Bettinggods. Have a bad spell and the boys at BG will drop you like a hot potato and find another to replace you.
This is what happened to three tipsters in May’19.
In six months Dec to May Each Way Expert had 3 months of single figure profits totalling 14 points profit but 3 losing months totalling over 56 points loss -DROPPED.
Master Racing Tipster had 5 losing months from the previous 7 with an overall loss of 21 points – DROPPED.
TheBoxingBettingTipster who had seven losing months out of the last 12 with a loss of 11 points – DROPPED
Out of the blue, a new tipster appeared to bolster the now dwindling number of Bettinggods tipsters.
Horse Network Tipster was launched on the 5th May with much fanfare and a promotional email enticing you to “snag our brand new service…Horse Network Tipster” and going on to say …
“Usually when we release new services, we’ve proofed them for four months, and then we release them to the general public for full price. But this is different. Because we’ve proofed this tipster every day for a full 12 months. No ‘getting lucky’ – we’ve seen good and bad runs during those 12 months but we’ve also seen consistent winners, consistent profit, and a tipster you must have in your portfolio”
On the 28th May I checked it out. It looked impressive. So why was this service kept back for so long if it was so good? Why 12 months proofing instead of their usual 4 months?
I did a quick comparison of Horse Network Tipster’s performance against Bettinggod’s two flagship racing tipsters Quentin Franks Racing and The Bookies Enemy.
On 29th May I emailed the following graph to a friend posing the question “where did this guy come from?”. I was, of course, referring to Horse Network Tipster.
29 May 2019
Horse Network Tipster results are comparable to Quentin Franks Racing over the last 12 months and better than The Bookies Enemy. Why on earth hide this light under a bushel for so long?
But on 11th June’19 while reviewing Bettinggods tipsters I noticed something unusual. The chart now looked like this.
11 Jun 2019
Have you ever played “Spot the Difference”? Looking at Horse Network Tipster’s yellow graph.
Most noticeable to me is the flat period Dec’18 to Feb’19 shown in the 29th May chart has changed into a profitable period in the 11th Jun chart. The Feb’19 bank was about 300 originally. Now it is showing at about 350. This shifts the performance graph from February onwards to up above the blue line of Quentin Franks Racing.
Record keeping at Bettinggods is a manual process so perhaps this was simply down to correcting errors in the data. Perhaps.
But there’s a couple of other differences as well – have you spotted them?
The graphs around Jul’18 and Oct’18 are different. The Jul’18 graph rises higher above the 200.00 line which probably accounts for the graph showing less of an overlap with The Bookies Enemy graph and also a higher figure for Oct’18.
In Bettinggod’s defence though I think unfortunately I’ve used “smooth” graphs which possibly makes accurate comparison difficult.
But, this has raised suspicions in my mind though. But these are just suspicions. I don’t have a copy of the previous data to compare with the current.
It could all be simply a correcting of errors in the data.
But how would you ever know?